
Sunday, January 19, 2014

Could not Predict it

I tried blogging once previously for the purpose of connecting with people who have similar interests in cycling.  Whether it turned out any good or not, you can be the judge:

Here I am, 3 years later, working on another blog for my Media Enhanced Learning Course 3240 with Vancouver Community College.  This time around, my blog has a different purpose:  this is my assignment. So far, the course has been a very interesting experience.  Yesterday, I signed up for a Twitter account, today, I revisited blogging, and next, I will be signing up with Facebook.  Since the Social Media revolution began, I've been avoiding it as much as possible.  I didn't see a need for Social Media in my personal or work life and didn't want to bother being connected to others constantly.  The time has come when I should start paying attention to it and having to take this course has given me a push in that direction.

Here are some interesting blogs from the participants in my Social Media Group:

1 comment:

  1. Really cool blog... I followed it... and it reads like a story from "this is how it all started" :) funny
    I like the graphic too. really cool
