
Monday, February 10, 2014

Journal Entry 3

Running Head:  Journal Entry 3

Journal Entry 3
Andrey Murphy

February 5, 2014

Institutional Affiliation:  VCC


The last three chapters of the “Teaching Naked” textbook seem to be the hardest ones for me to reflect on.   I think the reason is that I cannot identify with the author's field of expertise; it is completely unfamiliar to me and thus it is hard for me to follow the train of thought on what the author is trying to convey. Once idea that seems to stand out is that the changes in how we deliver the the content or set up our universities are coming and we are better prepare for it. Change, especially in universities, can be uncomfortable, but bringing everyone into the process, listening hard, being transparent, and making everyone responsible for innovation can create a culture of transformation. (Bowen J.A.)
These changes involve everyone, starting with the Learning Support all the way to Deans, and they are brought about by changes in technology. These are the changes that, if not adopted, could make some colleges obsolete, just as technology put many companies out of business in a short period of time. Those companies that adopted technological changes survived and prospered, and those that did not, ended up extinct, just as the dinosaurs of old.


Changes are good, especially when they are timely.  When the changes are applied to education in a timely manner, they could have long lasting effects on students, work places and society in general.
It is easy to adopt a change, even one that’s not liked much, but it is hard to know which change will succeed.  Changes in the education system in our country seem constrained by budgetary provisions and government restrictions and these are the changes that are impossible to control from the teachers’ point of view.  Up until this point, since the education has been localized, there has been no competition in the education system, but with globalization there could be some healthy competition within the colleges.  This will likely bring changes to the cost of the education, to the way students attend the classes and communicate with the teachers.  While currently it’s the college’s system that dictates how and where to deliver the content, with the advance of technology, it might be the students making direct changes to the education system by being a market force requiring cheaper courses, timely delivery and possibly minimal commuting to and from the class rooms.


Taking into consideration that in the Province of British Columbia the education system is highly regulated, the market force (i.e. students) won’t be the major influence to dictate the changes in our education system.  Having a governing body hovering over our post-secondary education system, most universities have little flexibility, and any changes made will depend on the funding provided and is therefore very likely to lag behind the market demands.  While the author of “Teaching Naked” makes a valid point that the online competition from universities and colleges around the world might bring significant changes to the structure of the courses being offered, this might be a good influence on those who are involved in making decisions regarding the way we learn.  Another hurdle with the online courses is that “Online course development may cost more than traditional classes, study finds” (  While in the classrooms, human connections remain important in collaborations, camaraderie, supporting one another, etc., I must agree that “The best education of the future will be a hybrid” (Bowen J.A.).  The reason that I support this statement is that I can see how it’s done from first-hand experience while taking this course.


I, as an educator, am very interested in the progress of possible changes to the educational system. Personally, I would like to see colleges operating more like a free market economy:  meeting the demands of the industries and students, offering courses tailored more to the market demand.  Out of all the possible changes that the author describes in his book, I can personally make immediate changes by embracing the technology and making it useful for both the students and myself.  This could be started immediately with simple and inexpensive things, such as different classroom arrangements, ways to communicate with students and using internet learning outside of the classroom.  These simple changes will help me to concentrate more on the outcome of what the students are learning.  I am looking forward to the day when I will be able to reflect on technology and what changes it has brought into our education system.


Bowen J.A. (2012).  Teaching Naked. How Moving Technology Out of Your College Classroom Will Improve Student Learning. p.285
Bowen J.A. (2012).  Teaching Naked. How Moving Technology Out of Your College Classroom Will Improve Student Learning. p.237
The Daily Californian. February 8. 2014.  Retrieved from:

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